39. 20ste eeuw – 20e siècle
a. Algemene werken, filosophie – Ouvrages généraux, philosophie
313. BAWIN (Julie), BOURS (Vincent), CULOT (Edith) [et al.]
Hans de Winiwarter : 1875-1949 : homme de science et collectionneur d’art : exposition : Université de Liège, galerie Wittert, 29 mai-29 juin 2009 : catalogue. Liège : Université de Liège. Collections artistiques ; Sart Tilman - Liège : Fonds Léon Fredericq, 2009, 103 p.
314. LUCAS (Amand A.)
Bombe atomique et croix gammée. Bruxelles : Académie royale de Belgique. Classe des sciences, 2005, 119 p. (Mémoire de la Classe des sciences. Collection in-8°. 3e série / Académie royale de Belgique ; 22)
315. LYKKNES (Anette) & NORDAL (Ola)
Trondheim or Oslo ? Territories in Early 20th Century Chemistry Education in Norway Century in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 659-661
316. PALLO (Gabor)
Boundaries of Chemistry : Interest and Identity in Early Twentieth Century in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 319-328
317. PYENSON (Lewis) & VERBRUGGEN (Christophe)
Ego and the International : The Modernist Circle of George Sarton. Isis, 100 (2009) 1, p.60-78
318. TOLLEBEEK (Jo) & NYS (Liesbet)
De stad op de berg : een geschiedenis van de Leuvense universiteit : 1968-2005. Leuven : Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2008, 426 p.
319. TRIBOT (Pierre-Jean)
Bruxelles 58 : année-lumière. Bruxelles : CFC-éditions, 2008,
190 p. (Lieux de mémoire).
320. VÁMOS (Éva)
Hungarian University Chemistry Buildings, 1860-2006 in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 661-677
b. Wiskunde - Mathématique
321. DEMIDOV (S.S.)
Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov, historien des mathématiques in RADELET-DE GRAVE (Patricia) (éd.), Liber amicorum Jean Dhombres. Turnhout : Brepols, 2008, p.101-111
c. Natuurwetenschappen – Sciences physiques
322. CALVÓ-MONREAL (Xavier)
From Physical Chemistry to Molecular Biology : The Catalan Contributions to Nucleohistone Studies : 1965-1977 Spain in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 381-390
323. CHAMIZO (José A.), DRAY (Mina Kleiche) & GARRITZ (Andoni)
Memory and History : The Mexican Community of Chemists Tells Its Story in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (ed.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 575-580
324. CRUZ (Isabel)
Technological Transfer Issues : Percy Parrish Advising at “CUF, Companhia União Fabril” (40’s Twentieth-Century) in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 497-504
325. DA SILVA (José Miguel Leal) & YOLLANT (Jean)
Introducing A. L. Stinville (1868-1949) in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 485-496
326. DRAY (Mina Kleiche)
Institutionalisation of Chemistry in Mexico during the Twentieth Century (1934-1970) in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 739-750
327. FADDEEV (L.), HENNEAUX (R.), KASHAEV (R.) (eds.) [et al.]
Bethe Ansatz : 75 years later : proceedings. Brussel : International Solvay Institutes for Physics and Chemistry, 2008. - Veelv. pag. (Solvay workshops and symposia / International Solvay Institutes for Physics and Chemistry ; 3)
328. FEICHTINGER (Johannes)
Herman F. Mark (1895–1992) : Viennese Born ‘Ambassador’ of Macromolecular Research Radioactivity in Spain in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 219-230
329. HERRAN (Néstor)
‘A Subversive Element’ : Science, Politics and the Early Appropriation of Radioactivity in Spain in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 175-186
330. JOHNSON ( Jeffrey Allan)
Chemistry, Engineering, and Rationalisation in Germany 1919-33 in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 473-484
331. KAJI (Masanori)
The Development of Organic Chemistry in Japan : Riko Majima and His Research School of “Natural Product Chemistry” in the First Half of the Twentieth Century in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 373-380
332. KAHLERT (Heinrich)
Physical Chemistry Crossed the Boarder : Influences of Physical Chemistry in the German Chemical Industry, 1900-1950 in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 411-414
333. MACKIE (Robin) & ROBERTS (Gerrylynn K.)
Chemical Careers in Postwar Britain : Centrifugal Discipline /Centripetal Profession ? in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 565-574
334. NYE (Mary Jo)
Philosopher-Scientists at the Interface of Physics and Chemistry : Paneth and Polanyi on Chemistry as an Exact Science in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 163-172
335. PATTERSON (Garry)
The Emergence of the Macromolecular Paradigm in the World of Chemistry Science in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 197-210
336. PEDERSEN (Bjørn)
The Establishment of the Journal Acta Chemica Scandinavica in 1946 Science in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 635-640
337. POHL ( W. Gerhard)
Staudinger - Mark - Kuhn : Historical Notes from the Development of Macromolecular Chemistry between 1920 and 1940 Perception in Chemistry in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 211-218
338. REINHARDT (Carsten)
Applied Neighbourship : Physical Methods and their Perception in Chemistry in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 173-174
339. RUTHENBERG (Klaus)
The “Stuffiness” of Ions – Ostwald as Anti-Atomistic Ionist in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 403-410
340. ŠTRBÁŇOVÁ (Soňa)
Chemical Microbiology, an Interdisciplinary Field on the Road to Molecular Biology, 1920-1948 in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 359-372
341. TOCA (Ángel)
Chemists for Industry on the Periphery of Europe : Training and the Rise of Professionalism in Spain during the First Half of the Twentieth Century in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 505-514
342. VAN BEYLEN (Marcel)
Reminiscences of Professor Georges Smets (1915-1991). On the Development of Macromolecular Chemistry in Belgium and his Contributions to it in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 231-236
343. WEININGER (Stephen J.)
Deuterium as a Probe of the Boundaries between Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry Chemistry in BERTOMEU-SÁNCHEZ (José Ramón), BURNS (Duncan Thorburn) & VAN TIGGELEN (Brigitte) (eds.), Neighbours and territories : the evolving identity of chemistry : the 6th international conference on the history of chemistry : proceedings. Louvain-la-Neuve : Mémosciences, 2008, p. 187-194
d. Aardwetenschappen – Sciences de la terre
344. CALJON (Laetitia)
Geografie en defensie : met bijzondere aandacht voor het meest noordelijke deel van de Maginotlinie en de geomorfologische aspecten. Kortrijk : Archeologie Zuid-West-Vlaanderen, 2009, 53 p. (Archeologische en historische monografieën van Zuid-West-Vlaanderen, 71)
345. GERLACHE (Henri de)
Antarctica als nalatenschap. Brussel : Nevicata, 2009, 151 p.
346. GERLACHE (Henri de)
L’Antarctique en héritage. Bruxelles : Nevicata, 2009, 160 p.
347. ROSE (Edward P.F.)
Water Supply Maps for the Western Front (Belgium and Northern France) Developed by British, German and American Military Geologist during World War I : Pioneering Studies in Hydrogeology from Trench Warfare. The Cartographic Journal, 46(2009)2. Edinburgh : Geographical Institute. British Cartographic Society, 2009 p. 76- 103
348. VERLINDEN (Jozef)
Naar Antarctica : Belgen en Nederlanders op expeditie naar de Zuidpool. Tielt : Lannoo, 2009, 382 p.
g. Geneeskunde-Médecine
349. BERNHEIM (J.)
Immunologie bestaat niet in de Stille Zuidzee. De ethiek en de epiek van Dr Fons Van Schoote (Gent 1928 – Filippijnenzee 1972). Geschiedenis van het Geneeskunde, 13 (2009) 2, p. 117-121
Genèse et fonctionnement des comités de sécurité, d’hygiène et d’embellissement des lieux de travail en Belgique (c.1946-c.1975) in OMNES (Catherine) & PITTI (Laure) (éds.), Cultures du risque au travail et pratiques de prévention au XXe siècle. La France au regard des pays voisins. Rennes ; Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2009, p. 105-116
Quand la silicose n’était pas une maladie professionnelle : Genèse de la réparation des pathologies respiratoires des mineurs en Belgique (1927-1940). Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, 56 (2009) 1, p. 127-141
352. PIRSON (Chloé) & RIVIERE (Lionel)
La faculté de médecine de l’Université libre de Bruxelles sous l’occupation. Bruxelles : Imprimerie Clerebaut : Université libre de Bruxelles [etc.], 2009, 143 p. (Musée de la Médecine, 2)
h. Techniek – Technique
353. ARNOYS (Roger) & GHYSELBRECHT (Gilbert)
Maritieme radio : de Belgische kuststations : historisch overzicht. Oostende : Roger Arnoys, 2009, 131 p.
354. ASPESAGH (Peter)
Bouwen in Roeselare : architect Joseph de Bruycker 1891-1942 : oeuvrelijst. Roeselare : Stadsbestuur, 2008, 76 p (Roeselaarse auteurs)
355. BARLET (Jacques) & JORIS (Freddy)
Le Forum de Liège et l’œuvre de Jean Lejear. Namur : Institut du patrimoine wallon, 2008, 60 p. (Carnets du patrimoine, 50)
356. Les canons antichars
Les canons antichars dans la fortification belge. Erpe : De Krijger, 2008, 64 p. (Arsenal : armes du XXième siècle ; 12)
357. PIETERS (Patrick) & VRELUST (Jef)
Cockerill Yards Hoboken (1873-1982) : courage to the last ! Brasschaat : Pandora, 2007, 127 p.
358. ROBA (Jean-Louis)
"Beuteflugzeuge" : les appareils étrangers au sein de la Luftwaffe (1938-1945). Erpe : De Krijger, 2008, 96 p. (Arsenal : armes du XXième siècle, 10)