* 1989-05-22/89-05-28, Olympia, Greece :
International Association for the History of Physical Education and sport : the 13th Biennial Congress. Theme : The Olympic Games through the Ages. Greek Antiquity and its impact on Modern Sports ;(Prof. Yannis Stamiris, Dept. of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Athens, 41 Olgas Street, GR-17237, Athens, Greece).
* 1989-06/89-07, Vevey, Switzerland :
Symposium of the European Society for the History of Photography ; (Secr.ESHP, Waalse Kaai 47, B-2000 Antwerpen. Tel. (03) 216.22.11).
* 1989-06-01/89-06-04, Bergen, Norway :
The 12th Congress of the Scandinavian Society for Medical History. Theme :
The Fight against Infectious Diseases ; (Secr. prof. Lorentz M. Irgens, HSD Congress, P.O. Box 1721, Nordnes, N-5024 Bergen, Norway).
* 1989-06-12/89-06-16, Bologna :
European Symposius. Theme : Science, Technology and European Cultural Heritage ; (Secr. Dr. A. Sors, Commission of the European Communities (XII/E), 200 rue de la Loi, B-1040 Brussels).
* 1989-08-01/89-08-05, Maryland, U.S.A. :
First International Conference on Civil Engineering History and Heritage ; (Secr. ASCE, Conference Deopartment, 345 E. 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, U.S.A.).
* 1989-08-13/89-08-13, Reading, England :
The 7the Symposium of the International Molinological Society (Info. J.K. Major, 2 Eldon Road, Reading, RG1 4DH, England).
* 1989-08-21/89-08-25, Prague :
World Association for Educational Research Quadrennial Congress. Theme :
Scientific and Technological Innovation and Education for the World of Tomorrow ; (Secr. prof. Dr. M. Cipro, Cechova 21, CS-17000 Praha 17, Czechoslovakia).
* 1989-09, Gent :
Conference on the History and the Heritage of Concrete Construction : 19th and 20th Centuries, Gent ; (Secr. TICCIM (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage, Bissegemplaats 6, B-8620 Kortrijk - Bissegem. Tel.(056 35.91.02).
* 1989-09-04/89-09-07, Bochum, W. Germany :
International Mining History Congress ;(Secr. Dr. Klaus Tenfelde, Inst. für Geschichte Abt. für Wirtschafts- und Sozial-Geschichte, Univ. Innsbruck, Innrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria).