Centre National d’Histoire des Sciences - Nationaal Centrum voor de Geschiedenis van Wetenschappen

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lundi 28 février 2011 par Matta


Society for the History of Technology (USA)

1981 : October 14-17 ;
Twenty-fourth annual meeting, held in cooperation with the Milwaukee Public Museum.


Women in technological history.
Technological change in American agriculture.
Operation of historic machinery by technology museums.
Studies in the history of industrial research.
The tools of empire : technology and imperialism.
Museum reviews and the history of technology.
Government-led technology development in modern South Asia.
Using oral history to investigate the impact of changing work technology on American workers.
Shaping the twentieth century : public visions of technological futures.
Changing patterns in funding the history of technology.
Engineers and the political economy in twentieth-century America.

SHOT liaison person Prof. H. Segal is planning to organize one or more history of technology sessions at the 1982 meeting of the American Society of Engineering Education, to be held June 20-24, 1982, at Texas A & M. 

Persons interested in the sessions should contact Prof. Segal at :
Department of Humanities, College of Engineering,
1079 East Engineering Bldg.,
University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA.

The TSIOLKOVSKY Medal for History 1981

Dr Eugene M. Emme received the Tsiolkovsky Medal for History at the 1981 meeting of the International Aeronautics and Astronautics Symposium, held at the Tsiolkovsky State Museum of Cosmonautics in Kaluga (USSR).

Simposio sobre Metodologia y Problemas de fundamentacion de la Historia de la Ciencia y la Tecnologia (Mexique)

Du 26 au 29 octobre 1981, se tiendra à Mexico un symposium d’histoire des sciences et des techniques organisé par la Sección de Historia de la Ciencia y la Tecnologia de l’instituto de Investigaciones Históricas.

Renseignements :
Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, UNAM,
Sección de Historia de la Ciencia y la Tecnologia,
Comercio y Administración N°. 35,
México 21, D. F., Mexique.

The Charles BABBAGE Institute

The Charles Babbage Institute for the History of Information Processing announces that its Newsletter has now been placed on a regular publishing schedule.

Those interested in subscribing may write to :
Charles Babbage Institute,
University of Minnesota,
104 Walter library,
117 Pleasant St.,
S. E. Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.

A History of Mathematics in World War II

The History Project Committee of the Mathematical Association of America is planning a history of mathematics in World War II. The « long-term goal of the Committee is to write a history based on the archival materials that have been identified of collected : (a) covering the effects of mathematical science on the war effort in such areas as ballistics, fire control, cryptography, electronic computing machines, and the development of the atomic bomb ; (b) documenting the effects of the war on mathematics ». As the Committee points out, « mathematics and the disciplines of computer science and operations research (which developed out of mathematics under the pressures of the war) played important roles in the war which have never been properly documented ».

Interested persons should write to :
Prof. J. Barkley Rosser,
Mathematics Research Center,
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
610 Walnut St.,
Madison, WI 53706, USA.

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