Centre National d’Histoire des Sciences - Nationaal Centrum voor de Geschiedenis van Wetenschappen

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mardi 21 août 2012 par Matta


* 1988-10-15, Louvain :
Journée Pédagogique et Réunion du Groupe de Contact F. N. R. S. Histoire des Mathématiques - Geschiedenis der Wiskunde. Programme : Quelques Thèmes d’Histoire des Mathématiques, (Institut de Mathématiques, Université Catholique de Louvain, Bâtiment Marc de Hemptinne, 2 chemin du Cyclotron, Louvain-la-Neuve).

* 1988-10-18/88-10-19, Zutphen :
International Conference on « Education & Training » with respect to Restoration and Conservation Techniques ; (Restauratie Conference, P.O. Box 80, 7200 AB Zutphen, The Netherlands).

* 1988-10-18/88-10-21, Bologna :
International Conference on Archeometallurgy :
(Centro per lo studio e la conservazione di manufatti di interesse archeologico e artistico, Facolta di Chimica Industriale, Viale Risorgimento 4, I-40136, Bologna, Italia).

* 1988-11-12, London :
A Century of British Ecology. The meeting will be held at the Royal Entomological Society, London, and it will be followed by the Annual meeting of the Institute of Biology History Group ; (Richard Bond, IOB History Group Secretary, c/o Institute of Biology, zo queensberry Place, London SW7 2DZ, U.K.).

* 1988-11-14/88-11-19, Hannover :
The Fifth International Leibniz Congress. The following topics will be treated :
Leibniz’s relationship to the past, to the history of philosophy and the sciences ; Leibniz and his contemporaries ; Leibniz’s standing in the scholarship of his time, contemporary reception and resistance, follower and opponets ; Leibniz’s presence in contemporary philosophy and science ; (Kongressbüro, Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek, Waterloostr. 8, D-3000 Hannover 1, FRG).

* 1989-04-17/89-04-19, Groningen :
On the occasion of the 375th anniversary of the University of Groningen a conference on the history of Alchemy will be held there, (Mr. Z van Martels, B. A., Schaepmanlaan 15, 9722 NP Gronigen, The Netherlands).

* 1989-06-26/89-07-01, Amsterdam :
The 13th International Conference on the History of Cartography. Themes :
Cartography between Art and Science ? ; Knowledge and Market Mechanism as impulses for Map Publishing ; Developments in thematic Cartography in the Ninteenth Century ; Cartography as an element in colonial administration since 1750. IN addition the « open market », for which one conference day will be reserved, will give sufficient opportunity to present short papers on the themes of the conference. (Dr. Marc Hameleers, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Utrecht, P.O. Box 80115,3508 TC Utrecht, The Nederlands).

* 1989-08, Excter :
A Meeting on « The History of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy » organized by the International Association for Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. The programme will include two aspects : 1-scientific biographies in the geosciences and related disciplines, and 2-papers related to meteorological - géophysical work of Landsberg and Schone ; (Dr. Wilfried Schröder, Hechelstrasse 8, D-2820 Bremen-Ronnebeck, FRG).

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