Centre National d’Histoire des Sciences - Nationaal Centrum voor de Geschiedenis van Wetenschappen

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Koenraad Van Cleempoel

mercredi 5 mai 2010 par admin




Domaine de recherche

Cultuurwetenschappen, cultuurgeschiedenis


Licentiaat Kunstwetenschappen en Archeologie – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 1994. Grote Onderscheiding

Doctoraat in de Cultuurgeschiedenis (Combined Historical Studies) - Warburg Institute, University of London (UK), School of Advanced Studies 1998

Rattachement institutionnel

Universiteit Hasselt (UHasselt)

Titres et responsabilités

Subpanel VABB : Vlaams Academisch Bibliografisch Bestand

Stuurgroep COG-IWT : Centraal Overleg Groep

Voorzitter Associatiefaculteit Architectuur en Interieurarchitectuur (tussen PHL en UHasselt)

NVAO visitatiecommissie, toest nieuwe opleidingen Master interieurarchitectuur in Nederland (2009-10)



(ed.) Astrolabes at Greenwich, A Catalogue of the Astrolabes in the National Maritime Museum, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006

with A. Kugel & F.-C. Sabrier, Spheres, The Arts of the Celestial Mechanics, Paris, 2003

A Catalogue Raisonné of Scientific Instruments From the Louvain School, between 1530 and 1600 (De Diversis Artibus : Collection of Studies from the International Academy of the History of Science) Turnhout : Brepols Academic Publishers, 2002



Van De Weijer M., Van Cleempoel K., Heynen H., Impact of Design, Establishment of Knowledge : The Exchange Between the Design Project and the Conceptual Framework of the City, in : conference proceedings, ARCC/ EAAE 2010 conference : The place of Research, The Research of Place, Howard University, Washington D.C., 23-26 June 2010. Washington D.C. : American Institute of Architects (peer review)

Van Cleempoel K., Elegance, Beauty and Topophilia, in Interiors Forum World 2010, 2nd International Conference, Milan : Politecnico di Milano (peer review)

Petermans, A. & Van Cleempoel, K., Designing a retail store environment for the mature market : a European perspective. Journal of Interior Design, 35(2), 21-36. (peer reviewed)

Petermans, A. & Van Cleempoel, K. (submitted), An holistic approach in understanding user experiences in retail spaces. Design Research Methods, London : Routledge (peer reviewed)

Petermans, A. & Van Cleempoel, K., Research in Retail Design : methodological considerations for an emerging discipline. Design and Emotion Conference, 4 – 7 October 2010, Chicago. (peer reviewed proceedings)

Plevoets, B., Petermans, A. & Van Cleempoel, K., Developing a theoretical framework for understanding (staged) authentic retail concepts in relation to the current experience economy. DRS Conference, 7-9 July, Montreal, Canada.


Van Cleempoel K. ‘The Migration of Material Knowledge : the Case of sixteenth century instrument maker Petrus de Abbegere in Spain’, in S. Dupré (ed.) Knowledge Affairs in the Early Modern Low Countries (LIT Verlag)

‘Philip II’s Escorial and its Collection of Scientific Instruments’, G. Strano (ed.)Scientific Instruments and Collections, Leiden

‘Two Case Studies of Recent ‘Rehabilitations’ of Flemish Modernist Interiors’, Proceedings : Living in the Past : Histories, Heritage and the Interior. The 6th Modern Interiors Research Centre Conference. London : Kingston University.

Petermans, A. & Van Cleempoel, K., ‘Retail Design and the Experience Economy : Where are We (Going)’. Journal of Design Principles and Practices, 3(1), 171-182.

Petermans A. & Van Cleempoel, K., ‘Retail Design, Experience Economy and the Greying Population : A European Perspective’, 8th European Academy of Design Conference, Proceedings of ‘Design Connexity’, the eight International conference of the European Academy of Design, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1-3 April.

Plevoets, B. & Van Cleempoel, K., ‘The Role of the Interior Architect in Projects of Re-use of Monumets to Retail-Functions : Selexyz Bookshops as Case Study’. Journal of Design Principles and Practices, 3(3), 133-142.

Quartier, K. & Van Cleempoel, K., ‘Retail Design : Exploring Atmospheric Tools for Creating Experiences That Influence consumers’ Mood and Behaviour in Retail Spaces’. Third International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Berlin, Germany, 15-17 February

with Quartier, K., Nuyts, E., & Van Cleempoel, K., ‘Lighting as an atmospheric tool in retail design : its influence on consumers’ mood and behaviour’, Proceedings of ‘Design Connexity’, the eight International conference of the European Academy of Design, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1-3 April.


‘The Relationship Between Contemporary Art and Retail Design’, in Places andThemes of Interior , Milan

How Architectural Theory Relates to the Production of Architecture, a review of theSecond EAAE-ENHSA Sub-network workshop on Architectural Theory’, Trondheim, 28-30 June 2007, in EAAE Newsletter, no. 80.

with K. Quartier, 2008. ’Atmospheric tools in commercial spaces creating experiences which influence consumers’ mood and behaviour’, Proceedings of the International Symposium ‘Creating an atmosphere’, Cresson, 10-12 September.

with K. Quartier, H. Christiaans, 2008. ’Retail design : lighting as an atmospheric tool,creating experiences which influence consumers’ mood and behaviour in commercial spaces’, Proceedings of the Design Research Society Biennial Conference ’08 Undisciplined !’, Sheffield, 16-19 July.

with K. Quartier, 2008. ’Lighting in the build environment : human perception, behavior and movement’, Proceedings of the Measuring Behaviour Conference 08, Maastricht, 26-29 August.

with K. Quartier, 2008. Retail design : exploring atmospheric tools for creatingexperiences that influence consumers’ mood and behaviour in retail spaces, Proceedings of ’Interiorsforumworld’, Milan, 1-3 October


‘Representation of Astrolabes in Western Art’, K. Van Cleempoel (ed.), Astrolabes at Greenwich, A Catalogue of the Astrolabes in the National Maritime Museum, Oxford : Oxford University Press.

‘Problem of Authenticity’, K. Van Cleempoel (ed.), Astrolabes at Greenwich, ACatalogue of the Astrolabes in the National Maritime Museum, Oxford : Oxford University Press.

‘The Provenance of the Collection’, K. Van Cleempoel (ed.), Astrolabes at Greenwich, A Catalogue of the Astrolabes in the National Maritime Museum, Oxford : Oxford University Press.


‘An Astrolabe dated 1559 made by Gualterus Arsenius of Louvain’, Vox. The Antiquorum Magazine, 102-109.

with R. Moreno, D. King, ’A Recently Discovered Sixteenth-Century Spanish Astrolabe’, Annals of Science, 59, 331-362.


‘Henri Michel, A Gentleman-Scholar’, Nuncius, Anali di Storia della Scienza : Scientificn Instrument Commission - The Archives of Scholars, collectors and dealers : their place in the study of the history of scientific instruments (Papers from the XIXth Symposium of the Scientific Instrument Commission of the IUHPS. Division of the History of Science, Oxford, 2000, Firenze, 2002, 733-738.


with G. L’E. Turner, ’A Tudor Astrolabe by Thomas Gemini and its Relationship to an Astrological Disc by Gerard Mercator of 1551’, The Antiquaries Journal, 80, 400-409.

Activités presents

Docent PHL (100%, vast benoemd), Cultuurwetenschappen
ZAP-mandaat UHasselt

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