Domaine de recherche
Doctor in de Wijsbegeerte, 16 mei 2006 (Proefschrift : “An archaeology of Galileo’s science of motion”).
Licentiaat in de Wijsbegeerte : Examencommissie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap (Universiteit Gent), 20 september 2001, met grootste onderschei¬ding.
-Licentiaat in de Natuurkunde : Universiteit Gent, 1 juli 1998, met onderscheiding.
Rattachement institutionnel
Universiteit Gent, Belgium
Activités passées
01/01/2001 - 30/09/2002 :
Wetenschappelijk medewerker op het GOA project Development of adaptive logics for the study of central topics in contemporary philosophy of science. Towards a new formal philosophy of science.
01/10/2002 - 30/09/2006 :
Aspirant FWO, project : Naar een geïntegreerd model voor de relatie theorie-experiment in de fysica.
01/10/2006 - 30/09/2009 :
Postdoctoraal onderzoeker FWO, project Machines in wetenschap,filosofie, technologie ca. 1600.
Articles dans des ouvrages et périodiques avec comité de lecture :
Weber E. & M. Van Dyck (2001). Adaptive logic and covering law explanation. Logique & Analyse 173-174-175 (verschenen in 2003), pp. 237-254.
Weber E. & M. Van Dyck (2002). Unification and explanation. A Com¬ment on Halonen & Hintikka and Schurz. Synthese 131, pp. 145-154.
Meheus J., L. Verhoeven, M. Van Dyck & D. Provijn (2002). Ampliative adaptive logics and the foundation of logic-based approaches to abduction. In Magnani, L., N.J. Nersessian & C. Pizzi (eds.) Logical and Computational Aspects of Model-Based Reasoning, Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic ; pp. 39-71.
Van Dyck, M. (2003). The roles of one thought experiment in interpreting quantum mechanics. Werner Heisenberg meets Thomas Kuhn. Philosophica 72 (verschenen in 2005), pp. 79-103.
Van Dyck, M. (2004). Causal discovery using adaptive logics. Towards a more realistic heuristics for human causal learning. Logique & Analyse 185-188 (verschenen in 2005), pp. 5-32.
Van Dyck, M. & E. Weber (2005). Cassirer’s critical idealism. A comment on Thomas Mormann. In Gillies, D. (ed.) Laws and Models in Science, London : King’s College Publishers ; pp. 161-171.
Van Dyck, M. (2005). The paradox of conceptual novelty and Galileo’s use of experiments. Philosophy of Science 72, pp. 864-875.
Van Dyck, M. (2006). Gravitating towards stability : Guidobaldo’s Archimedean-Aristotelian synthesis. History of Science 44, pp. 373-404.
Van Dyck, M. (2007). Constructive empiricism without underdetermination. In Monton, B. (ed.) Images of Empiricism. Essays on science and stances, with a reply by Bas C. van Fraassen, Oxford : Oxford University Press, pp. 11-33.
Leuridan, B., E. Weber & M. Van Dyck (2008). The practical value of spurious correlations : Selective versus manipulative policy. Analysis 68, pp. 298-303.
Van Dyck, M. (2009). The epistemological foundations of the law of the lever. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 40, pp. 315-318.
Van Dyck, M. (2009). Dynamics of reason and the Kantian project. Philosophy of Science 76, pp. 389-400.
Van Dyck, M. (20XX). On the nature of Galileo’s (natural) circular motions. Te verschijnen in Foundations of Science.
Van Dyck, M. (20XX). “Argumentandi modus huius scientiae maximè proprius...”
Guidobaldo’smechanics and the question of mathematical principles. Te verschijnen in D. Bertoloni-Meli, A. Becchi, & E. Gamba (eds.) Guidobaldo del Monte.
Van Dyck, M. (20XX). Het conflict tussen Galileo Galileï en de katholieke kerk. Te verschijnen in D. Praet & N. Grillaert (eds.) Geloof en Wetenschappen. Gent : Academia Press.
Van Dyck, M. (20XX). Causality and conservation. Elements of the new metaphysics behind the mathematization of nature in the seventeenth century. Te verschijnen in K. Verelst & W. Christiaens (eds.) Identity and Structure.
Comme rédacteur :
Heeffer, A. & Van Dyck, M. (eds.) (2010). Philosophical Aspects of Symbolic Reasoning in Early Modern Mathematics. College Publications, London.
Volume van Foundations of Science, on “conceptions of spacte and time in the seventeenth century”, samen met K. Verelst (in druk).
Volume van Foundations of Science, on “philosophical aspects of symbolic reasoning in early modern science, philosophy, and mathematics”, samen met A. Heeffer (in voorbereiding).
Vanaf 01/02/2009 : ZAP, docent wijsbegeerte, UGent.